

Meet Pastor Tori Das

The people of Kandra and Paikpara village of Puthia in Bangladesh are living well below the poverty line. They are heavily dependent on agricultural labouring for their livelihood, which is often scarce to find and sometimes they are ill-treated and underp

There are around 400 people that live in the village that Pastor Tori Das from International Needs has been reaching. Their extreme poverty has led to many problems, such as malnutrition, poor health, and the inability to educate their children. Despite all the hardships, the people in the village have been very open to hearing the Gospel message of Jesus and have given Tori the ability to lead many to Christ.

Since ministering to this village, Tori recommended 17 children be accepted into the International Needs Child Assistance Programme which has given them an opportunity to study at the International Needs schools at Savar and Bethany. This is the first generation from this people group who are now being educated and, in the future, can help break the cycle of poverty.

Not only was Tori and his team able to help some of these children, but through the investments made into a simple livelihood programme many lives are being transformed and families are able to generate other streams of income as well as food. The community is extremely grateful to International Needs for conducting livelihood programmes in goat farming, chicken rearing, vegetable growing and soon to be tailoring and sewing. Within the community, this has seen the transformation of many lives. By investing into these communities, Tori has been able to reach many with the Gospel and we are hearing many transformative stories about men, women and children accepting Jesus as their Lord.