

Miracles in the Midst of Danger

How much of a difference can one person make?

A group of farmers in the Waikato are proving that someone far away can be
a part of a giant spiritual battle in the
heart of a country far from God. The New Zealand Christian Farmers Trust has been supporting International Needs Nepal’s ministry worker, Bijay, since 2009. Because of their support, Bijay has been able to spread the Gospel throughout Nepal.
Last year he spoke with 440 people,
and 28 of those people have come to
the Lord. These statistics become more remarkable when you consider Nepal has strict anti-conversion laws which mean that spreading the Gospel is not only difficult, but dangerous. In one of his reports, Bijay highlighted a story that is all too common for ministry workers who come face to face with evil daily:

“Prem B.K, is a 38-year-old man who
is part of the lower-class system in society. He was demon possessed for two months but was unaware of what burdened him. He always had negative thoughts and desired to attempt suicide. Unfortunately, one day his family members found him inside a bathroom covered in blood with his throat cut. He was rushed to the hospital just in time. After two days, he woke up and shared a horrifying incident of how he heard an inner voice tell him to commit suicide and so he cut his throat with a blade.
He was troubled by the demon all the time until he cut his throat and then the demon left.
The incident created an opportunity for us to share the gospel with this family. Because of God’s grace, the whole family accepted Christ and a further two more families with seven members came to Jesus Christ through them, Halleluiah!
Now, through prayers, Prem is getting better and is mentally and physically recovering. He wants to learn more about his faith in Christ. His family keenly attend weekly fellowships and are helping Prem to completely recover. Furthermore, the incident gave birth
to a new fellowship in that area. So, we have been conducting weekly house fellowships every Tuesday with the hope to take the gospel to the whole village in God’s time.”

The NZ Christian Farmers Trust are in this spiritual battle against the enemy and are winning. These farmers have got the same heart as Bijay: to spread the Gospel to the unreached.