You be the Fuel
Want to know how can you help local indigenous leaders reach their own people, to bring about transformational change with the power of the gospel?
Jesus himself gave all of us the task of making disciples in all nations. With there being so much pain and suffering in this modern-day world it has never felt more critical to share the Good News about Jesus’ saving love with those most in need.
With an estimated 3.2 billion people in over 17,000 people groups around the world having never heard the name of Jesus Christ, International Needs is dedicating itself to sharing the Gospel with as many people as possible.
Gospel outreach is the cornerstone and foundation of why International Needs was established in 1974. Today, International Needs around the world has reached more people groups than ever before with the love, hope and salvation of Jesus.
More than 110 national church and community leaders are supported across sixteen countries as they engage in Gospel outreach programs, church planting, Bible distribution, seminary-in-a-suitcase outreach, children and youth ministries and refugee camp ministries. A significant amount of evangelistic effort is to reach the unreached and spread the Gospel to the places in the world that are closed to Christianity.
These International Needs ministry leaders need your support so they can spread the Gospel throughout their countries and make disciples. They also need support with transportation to reach remote villages, and resources to be able to share with these people.
$20 will buy an audio bible, visual ministry resources or gospel tracts
$50 will buy a hard copy bible or other ministry resources
$500 will make a difference to a whole village
$2500 will buy a motorbike or transport access
Donate to You be the Fuel
Please note: Your gift is fully tax deductible by Inland Revenue at 33.3% for donations to disaster relief, community development, child sponsorship and NZ Aid projects. If it is for evangelism, church planting and supporting church workers it is refunded at 8% - being a refund of the portion of administration charges used to run the NZ office.
BNZ Tauranga Branch, account number 02-0432-0234652-000. Reference: "You be the Fuel"
Should you require a receipt please email our accountants department at and advise your full name, address, amount and date of donation. If possible please also advise your telephone number to enable us to contact you should we have difficulty in identifying your donation.
If you have any questions please call 0800 463337