
Sri Lanka

Livelihoods for Community Leaders

In our pursuit to see transformed lives and communities, one of the key areas is to see Pastors as community leaders empowered.

In our pursuit to see transformed lives and communities, one of the key areas is to see Pastors (as community leaders) empowered. Empowered to see the bigger picture of the Great Commission – ‘disciple nations’ (nations meaning ‘people-group’), impacting every aspect of the community and not just evangelism. For leaders to be able to meet the needs of the community, they need to be financially stable. However, most Pastors/ church leaders, particularly in the rural areas depend on the voluntary offerings of their congregations for their livelihood. These congregations’ earning capacity is low, hence limited offerings.

The pandemic has further increased the hardship of these Pastors and their communities due to loss of employment, increased cost of living etc. Many Pastors in the rural areas of Sri Lanka face livelihood challenges. This affects their family, children’s education, ministry etc. Burdened with their own financial struggles they are unable to contribute towards the needs of the community. They cannot obtain loans to startup micro businesses as they are unable to show sufficient income or collateral. Evangelism and church growth are often motivated by their need to increase income.

The main objective of this project is to financially assist Pastors to start up (or enhance) micro businesses as an alternative source of income rather than depending on the limited contribution of their congregations. As these leaders become more financially stable, they will be encouraged to broaden their vision for their own community’s transformation. Depending on the progress of this initiative, this project will be expanded to other rural area Pastors.
Internet Banking Direct Credit

BNZ Tauranga Branch, account number 02-0432-0234652-000. Reference: "srilankapastors"

Should you require a receipt please email our accountants department at and advise your full name, address, amount and date of donation. If possible please also advise your telephone number to enable us to contact you should we have difficulty in identifying your donation.

If you have any questions please call 0800 463337