

Kathlene is a third year college student. She is studying at Eastern Visayas State University.
Kathlene is the eldest of 5 children. She wants to complete her studies in order to help her family in the future. She is very responsible in doing household chores and taking care of her grandmother. She usually rides a tricycle from her residence to school every day.
Kathlene is actively involved in a local Baptist Church where she serves in a number of different ways.
Chosen Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education – Science major
Your support and investment into Kathlene’s life gives her the chance to continue attending studies, get access to health care and provides support to her family unit.

  • Philippines Country

  • 23 Years Old Current Age

  • Mar 2001 Birthday

Gender: Female


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You can sponsor Kathlene today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $55 per month.