

Ram lives with his parents and his younger brother. His father is a tea garden labourer, and his mother is a housewife. The family income is limited making education for the boys difficult.

The family live in a brick house with tin roofing. They have access to spring water for drinking. Ram enjoys eating fish, rice and dal.

Ram travels 20 minutes from home to get to school. He is in Class 11 and his favourite subject is English. Ram also enjoys cricket. His best friends name is Mohit.

Your support and investment into Ram’s life gives him the chance to continue attending studies, get access to health care and provides support to him family unit.

  • India Country

  • 19 Years Old Current Age

  • Feb 2005 Birthday

Gender: Male


Sponsor Ram

You can sponsor Ram today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $55 per month.