

Clean Water

Providing Clean and Accessible Water in Nepal

“Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink”
In many of the remote and rural areas of Nepal, people drink directly from the sources like rivers, springs, and ponds. These open sources of water are polluted and contaminated. Many of these water sources also dry up in winter.
Such polluted water is the main cause for water-borne diseases like dysentery, typhoid, and cholera. Every year many infants, children and adults become victims of these diseases.

This highlighted the need for International Needs Nepal, with the support of International Needs New Zealand, to help communities access safe and clean water through the installation of water wells.

Through the generosity of supporters, we have been able to see whole communities transformed by having access to safe drinking water through the International Needs WASH (water) programme.
Many lives are being saved and water borne diseases prevented. Last year along through IN Nepal WASH programme, over 1,400 people gained access to safe, clean drinking water.

Currently we are looking to raise funds for the construction of three more water wells in the district of Kavare, ward #6 of Panchkhal Municipality, central Nepal. Each water well costs approximately $5,000 to construct. These wells will service 170 households, more than 300 individuals! Local workers are employed to dig the 25 metre wells by hand and the project is overseen by our partners at International Needs Nepal.

Water is life and with your help we can provide these communities access to safe and drinkable water this year.
Internet Banking Direct Credit

BNZ Tauranga Branch, account number 02-0432-0234652-000. Reference: "Nepal Water"

Should you require a receipt please email our accountants department at and advise your full name, address, amount and date of donation. If possible please also advise your telephone number to enable us to contact you should we have difficulty in identifying your donation.

If you have any questions please call 0800 463337

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