

Savar Medical

Most of the children in Savar area suffer from malnutrition and have stomach problems like diarrhoea, cholera and similar diseases.

Most of the children in Savar area suffer from malnutrition and have stomach problems like diarrhoea, cholera and similar diseases.
The project is based in villages around Rajason, in the Savar area near Bangladesh’s capital city, Dhaka. Like most of Bangladesh, it is a poor area. Due to lack of education, information and orientation in health and hygiene, grass root level villagers cannot understand the need of immunization, importance of growth monitoring, technique of low cost nutritious food preparation, different methods of birth control, spacing between two children, importance using sanitary or pit type latrine, preparation of safe drinking water, maintenance of personal hygiene and disposal of waste products from the home. These are all good practices that the health centre teaches, to maintain good health amongst the Savar residents.

Another area the health centre caters for, is care for pregnant women and neonatal care. Government health workers are not qualified and cannot properly diagnose in cases of high-risk pregnancies. At the time of feeling pain, pregnant women are often taken to distant primary health centres and sometimes are compelled to give birth their children in the open: children born this way are called ‘Patha Shishu’ (‘street’ in English). Even at the Government health centre there is no adequate arrangement for delivery and post-delivery treatment. Infant mortality rates are high, and so are other birth defects because of malnutrition or inconsistent care.

Project outline
By supporting the Savar Medical centre, you will help in providing the means for the IN health workers to provide treatment for the health of women and children, especially in maternal health services to protect the outcome of pregnancy, provide neonatal and young infant care, and save the lives of mothers by improving maternal nutrition, promoting birth preparedness, and improving safe delivery and postpartum care in future.
The key outputs are:

• To increase utilisation of health facilities for safe delivery
• Health Promotion: to provide health information and health education to patients, parents or to their families for essential knowledge
• To improve communication between doctor and patient
• To maintain health records of mother and child throughout the pregnancy, delivery, immunization, growth chart and encourage the self-care of high-risk pregnant mothers.
• To carry out regular vaccination programs.
• To provide pathological services to patients.
• To provide treatments for diarrhoea, cholera and similar diseases.
• To provide medical treatments for aged people.
• To create awareness of HIV
• Occasional medical camps for dental, eye and other patients, free of cost.
Internet Banking Direct Credit

BNZ Tauranga Branch, account number 02-0432-0234652-000. Reference: "Savar Medical"

Should you require a receipt please email our accountants department at and advise your full name, address, amount and date of donation. If possible please also advise your telephone number to enable us to contact you should we have difficulty in identifying your donation.

If you have any questions please call 0800 463337

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